CUSTOM MOUTHGUARD $25 CUSTOM MOUTHGUARD $25 We are avid supporters of sports activities in our local community from Baseball to Soccer to Hockey. In order to help our young and old athletes alike we offer CUSTOM FITTED Sport Mouthguards for a nominal fee of $25 to cover material costs. Call us today to schedule a visit to have yours made!When you get your mouthguard, we will donate the entire proceeds to Ronald McDonald House Toronto to help support the work that they do.  WE LOVE TO SEE YOU SMILE We’re passionate about helping you experience a beautiful and healthy smile.You can expect gentle and compassionate care with precision excellence. Healthy Smiles For Life The dream is now real, living, breathing. Come and see. I can’t wait to meet you. Book your appointment


We are avid supporters of sports activities in our local community from Baseball to Soccer to Hockey. In order to help our young and old athletes alike we offer CUSTOM FITTED Sport Mouthguards for a nominal fee of $25 to cover material costs. Call us today to schedule a visit to have yours made!

When you get your mouthguard, we will donate the entire proceeds to Ronald McDonald House Toronto to help support the work that they do. 

Dentist in Mississauga


We’re passionate about helping you experience a beautiful and healthy smile.
You can expect gentle and compassionate care with precision excellence.

Healthy Smiles For Life

The dream is now real, living, breathing. Come and see. I can’t wait to meet you.